Overlay Material

A Material that you can overlay over all meshes. That way you could make a glow effect super easy and dont need to have to add it to the native material in the mesh

You can change your View Mode to Detail Lighting :wink: .

Thats not what i wanted. Basicly i want a extra slot for a material in a mesh. This material get applyed on top of the other materials. For like glow effects.

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Ho yes, indeed. I didn’t unterstand !

Good idea, but I would prefer to overlay, by tags, or channels, or by physical material, or something created specifically for it.
And also would be awesome to have possibility to use different values in camera post processes for these specific materials.

But that would always incurr you an additional Drawcall.
Why not setting it up in the material shaders?
Its not like materials couldnt be layered already… Make a master material which features that additional layer and a “standard” layer underneath.
Then create your materials as children of that and tweak the base layer as you want.
With a dynamic instance, you can then toggle between the glowed path and the normal shader graph…

I try to avoid multiple material IDs on a mesh at all costs :smiley:

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Oooor, try this: 6 Layered Uber Architectural Material - Asset Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums