is there an easy way to overlay the camera view for any input image with the current viewed mesh in the 3D viewer? Basically I need a mesh rendering from any original input camera position. I want to check the alignment quality of the mesh with the input image (e.g. at object edges etc.).
I know that I can drag’n’drop any image to the 3D viewer and then “fly” to the connected camera but the image quality there is really low and it does not look correct.
After "flying to the connected camera, you can go to Export –> Render in the Workflow ribbon, and render the model from that camera view in up to 16k resolution. There is no high resolution overlay option, but you can make a comparison in a photo editor. I have just tried it, the bottom layer is the rendered model, and the top layer is the original photo at 50% opacity.
This is what I get if I want to check the alignment of the mesh with any input camera in the 3D viewer:
The ghosting (offset to the right side) of the teddy and the box does not look correct to me. Maybe it is a bug…
The workaround you mentioned does not really work for me because my input resolution is 2068x1380 and the render resolutions in RC are fixed. In conclusion the viewfield / aspect ratio does not match with my original input. Of course I can align them manually in any photo editor but doing this for >100 cameras is annoying. Can I change the render resolution somewhere?
There is no option for custom render resolutions. I can add this as a feature request. Our developers aware of the misalignment issue and are working on a fix.
I have another question regarding this problem: Does the alignment bug also affects exported data? I tried to render the mesh (exported as OBJ file) for each camera using the XMP calibration files in my own mesh rendering and the offset looks similar to the 3D viewer in RealityCapture.
It should work in external software if you export the cameras as part of an FBX/ABC file. But be sure to select “yes” to “undistort images”. We have some texturing workflow videos for both Blender, and Maya, that use these exports, and they should line up.