Overlapping UVs

Hello, im currently importing some stuff, plants to be exact, I made in Blender into UE4 4.9.2 an get the mentioned errors. How do i fix this in the current version? I read in an other post (4.7 i guess), that you can go into UE’s internal Editor and go Window > Generate Unique UVs (or the like) and generate 2nd ones on Channel 1 which then can be used to bake decent lightmaps. But I don’t have this option in my version. Where did it move to?

Lightmap UVs are now generated automatically on import, hence why the option no longer exists.

In the details of the static mesh editor you have to enable “Generate Lightmap UV” so that it generates a lightmap -> but it’s better when you create one by your own :slight_smile:

Well, I have done that by default, the error remains. So, with creating one by my own you mean i should add a second UV Map with Blender?
I have watched a little clip from the user on how to do this properly inside Blender, but do i have to do this for every mesh? Because my plants consist of individual planes randomly rotated around their own axis. If I have to do this with every tiny leaf, that this is a real mess :frowning:

Yep, you will have to do that for every mesh -> that’s the right way to do it: ://
In my video you just see a fast and not so “clean” way :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I gotta have a look how to do it in Blender since I don’t own Maya.
Also, I am basically exporting a kinda “large” Openworld Prototype from Blender into UE4 and i read that for this kind of task, using LPVs would suit better. What is your opinion about that? I mean, if I am doing large scenes anyways, using Lightmass Importance Volumes to cover “playable” areas in an Openworld Game does not make that much sense to me (basically passed the whole night reading about it :D)

When you create open world games it’s better to use dynamic lights -> otherwise it would take too long to build your lights :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, I’ll try this and post my results later. But I have to remaining questions. First, again concerning about the second UVs, is creating a UVMap for every leaf the only option? I mean, I have done at least 20 different grass variations and already joined them together, one block contains 576 faces (8 faces per leaf), so making one for every single one of them would mean tremendous work. Should I start all over again? Luckily I made samples for every leaf, so I could easily reuse them later on.

Last but not least, would a R9 390 and a Xeon 1231v3 paired with 16GB of RAM fit the task? All assets will be placed on a rather large WM Landscape.


Well, I did now manage to get rid of the error, but somehow the shadows cast are kind of “weird” after lightbuild (before shadows are perfect).
I already tried tweaking the resolutions, is there something that could be done in UE4 or do I have to create a better lightmap inside Blender?
By the way, I am using a resolution of 128 and building the light with production quality.

PS: I posted this issue on a few Blender forums close this issue as fast as possible.


Edit: I managed to change something with checking “Recompute Normals” in the Static Mesh settings, but still what I expect.

Edit²: Ok, switching lighting back to static gave me a quite a quality boost, but why is this so? And what do your more “experienced” eyes think about the shadows, could it still be improved, or am I at my limit with static lighting?