Hii! I’m very confused with this problem I’m having with my texture. I know the problem but I’m unsure on how to fix it. I assume its because the way the camera is orientated the texture is fighting whether or not to display the yellow or black part of the texture, making it flash. I would appreciate any help with resolving this since I’ve been really stuck. I’ve tried every anti aliasing in the project setting to no avail. Thank you!
Is this one mesh, or several, going off into the distance?
It looks like what is referred to as z-fighting.
When two meshes occupy the same space and the engine cannot decide which is supposed to be on top and which on bottom, so it constant swaps them on a per vertex bases.
Try selecting the mesh that belongs to the black and yellow stripped material and slightly move it up, or convert it to a decal.
It is Mioré. Like you said, it happens when a detail is smaller than a pixel, the engine can’t choose which to show. It is a technical limitation of computer screen resolution, it is not something that can be fixed, only avoided.
Mipmapping usually prevents this when dealing with textures - essentially blurring the texture until the issue doesn’t exist.
If for some reason that is insufficient or impossible then other measures can be taken, like altering the shader over a distance to either increase the spacing of the lines or fade it to a solid color.
Thank you for all the responses. To answer all of your questions I took some more pics. This is a decal that I’m using. Increasing the spacing of the lines helped out a lot, the problem is still there but at a much more tolerable amount. Thank you @BanableOffense. However, as seen in one of the pictures, the line basically disappears if im looking at it from the side at a certain distance. I understand why its doing this since the decal is very thin, but my goal for the caution tape is to be flush with the floor. I want to avoid raising the decal so theres no bump when you walk over it, but I think theres no other solution since like 3DRaven said, its z-fighting. If you all could point me in the right direction again into solving this issue, or a different approach to getting the goal im looking for, I would really appreciate it. Once again thank you guys for putting time into responding.
I just noticed that “side view” pic is very small so sorry about that but I think you can see what I mean by the decal disappearing when you view it from that angle.
The crucial thing is, does the texture have mips enabled?
These are some pics that show you what I have the mips set to. I followed a video and played around with the miplevel parameter and it didn’t solve the issue of the decal disappearing when view from a certain distance from the side. Thank you for the fast reply.
I see it has ‘user interface’ set in the details, but you’re using it on a mesh in the world. Try clicking the reset arrow there…