Overlapping Not Working As Intended

Can you stop the game when the player is right near the laser and take a look at the player collsion view?

The last gif is with the player collision view enabled. I’ve checked it while in slow motion, but I cannot find any collision between them.

Collision on all the models has been set to “use complex collision as simple”
Everything on the player character controller has been edited to not generate overlaps except the mesh and the box around the character.
Every model involved here has been applied with the CCD setting turned on.

I control which of the overlaps is triggered by using tags.

The “playermesh” tag has been assigned to the mesh of the player, while the box collision to a separate object collision used for a different purpose.

The player is faced with a laser in front of him which kills him instantly.
I made it so that player mesh collision is what triggers the overlap between the laser.
The laser in this instance uses the model itself as the overlap collision. There is no trigger cylinder or something of the sort added inside the actor asset.

I raised the height of the laser to demonstrate that this doesn’t work as intended.
This works when I slide since he is definitely a safe distance away from the laser, however…


When he walks below the laser which is clearly a safe distance away causes a problem.
There is no diff in my code for this, there is no variable that enables invincibility or anything like that, sliding is just triggered with a keypress that plays an animation.


Another thing that happens is when at high speed, sometimes the laser doesn’t even get triggered at all even without me sliding under it.

What am I missing here? Where exactly is the source of the issue? Is this simply a bug? Do I need to give more info on something before this can be fixed?


Sorry to be a pain :-/ That’s unlit. I mean:


It may yield nothing, but sometimes can be quite illuminating…

Yeah, that’s what I did.
I’ve been working on this game for 3 years now and I must say out of all things, it’s always the nonsensical problems that occur most often, only to realize it is was the silly mistake that you overlooked. Here however I am lost.

Thanks either way. I hope I can come to a solution to this. I’m sure I’d be able to fix it by using the standard box trigger components, but a mesh like this that has curves and I want exact precision on the overlap, it would be a lot of time wasted and this is not the only model I’m implementing this mechanic for.

No, I mean F8 and then:

Oh looks like the gif didn’t go through, I posted this along with the other one but didn’t upload.


As you can see its just the model itself as the collision.


Ok, strange. What about printing the name of the component on overlap, see if it matches with what you’re expecting?

Nothing else with that tag?

No other overlaps?

( grabbing at straws here )

Thank you very much for trying to help out with this. My games demo is set to release soon with plenty of people expecting it and I need to get issues such as these sorted. This is simply a hilarious problem that gets really frustrating to try and fix.


This is what the print string brings back
I used the collision to get sweep results, is that a good way to get the object name? This is what I got.

Well, the component that’s causing the hit in your code above, you can just drag out from ‘other comp’ and print the display name.

I’m assuming it will be the same as above.

Development is littered with stuff like this actually. Weird occurrences which are usually obvious when you get to the bottom of them, but in the meantime, avoid detection, usually because of thinking in a certain way.

EDIT: Another good way to troubleshoot is to swap out stuff. Change the player / laser, or whatever else. Try it in a empty level with just the laser and player, etc…

If you want to put the bare minimum into an empty project, I’ll take a look if you like…

It’s ok, thanks a lot for everything. I’m looking into it.

What is this ( which moves forward with the player ):



That should be the many audio components from the player character.