Overlapping bone names are always "None" - how to get bone names/body instances?

Hi all, I’ve been struggling with this issue for AGES.

I have 2 characters that can fight with each other (punch, kick, etc.). When these characters overlap with each other, I am trying to get the name of the bone or body that has been overlapped on BOTH characters. e.g, I want to know Character 1 r_hand overlapped with Character 2 spine_1. Their meshes are configured with these collision settings:

Both characters have the WrestlingCharacterMesh collision preset, which has Overlaps enabled for other WrestlingCharacterMesh’s.

Generate overlap events and multi-body overlap is set to TRUE for all characters.

All characters have their physics asset correctly assigned. If I show collision in-engine, they look like this (can see collision being drawn around each of their physics bodies):


In C++ I bind an overlap event to each character’s mesh like this:

Owner->GetMesh()->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &UPerformStrikeAction::OnStrikeCollision);

This event handler is simply logging information to the screen about each overlap. Here are the results that are shown when the 2 characters begin to overlap each other.

My bone name is always set to “None”.
Other bone name is always set to “None”.
My Item is always set to “-1”.
Other component name is always “CharacterMesh0”. (Correctly overlapping with the Mesh, not the CapsuleComponent).
Other body index is sometimes populated, which allows me to get some of the info I need. I still do not understand why it is often “-1” when colliding with CharacterMesh.

Am I approaching this problem incorrectly? I do not understand why Bone names are always None when both of the overlapping Components are SkeletalMeshComponents.

Any help is appreciated, been stuck on this for many weeks.

I would just add a sphere attached to the hand / leg socket (if kicking is possible) and test against that over the mesh.