Overlapping Blocking volume


I am always bit scared when i see some Epic demo and there is like hundreds of thin volumes stacked along.

I would like to use just one blocking volume, which would allow to fall object inside (or at at least spawn inside), but block it when it tries go out of volume.

(Basicly behave same as aquarium for fish, it can move inside, but cannot go out)

This way i can have one big volume, and i dont need to build eg 4 volumes as walls. How to set the collision presets? Thanks.

Create a cube mesh in an editor Blender, 3dMax etc. then set its collision meshes to point inwards (you may have to flip their normals). Import it to UE4, scale accordingly and set visible to 0.

ah… you are right. i am dumb now i am remembering that i already did this in the past.

collision preset used for this solution for the cube is Invisible Wall (same as for Blocking volume)

:slight_smile: thx