Overlap won't fire with condition

Hi all ! why the branch in this case doesn’t work? I want to enable Input for flashlight after I open the closet doors. I made an Integer which is set to True after I open the closet, but when I try to make an overlapping condition for the flashlight capsule, the overlapping doesn’t work at all. If there is another way of enabling the Flashlight overlap or input after opening the closet doors that also have a trigger box on the same interaction key that would help me alot. Thank you ! ^^

Update - the capsule overlap is working only after the closet triggerbox end overlap…Is there a way of activating the flashlight capsule overlap while I’m still on closet boxtrigger overlap?

And this is the trigger box for Closet Doors

activating the flashlight capsule
overlap while I’m still on closet
boxtrigger overlap

You can move logic from BeginOverlap to new function( OnXXXInteraction) and use overlap function just to detect if something “is in range”, i think its better to use GetOverlappingActors instead and check which one is closer, but its up to you.

It would be better if on your interaction event you could just check “is in range” and Call your OnXXXInteraction. Its good to use Interfaces to do interaction system like this, here is tuturial introducing interaction and interfaces (but using linetrace)

Thank you ! Interfaces blueprint actually solved the problem !