Overlap sweep hit data struct is blank for melee weapons but not projectiles, other solutions don't work

I have the infamous issue where the sweep hit data struct from an overlap event is blank (0,0,0 coordinates, bone name NONE) but only when the overlap event is on a melee weapon, not a projectile.

The collision preset is the same between both.

Both the projectile and weapon have Simulation Generates Hit Events and Generates Overlap Events checked, query only collision.

In fact, when I print the overlap event parameters, I see that both the projectile and weapon are correctly hitting the skeletal mesh of the target. The most common reason reported by people who solved the problem is that they are hitting the capsule instead of the skeletal mesh, but this does not seem to be the case here. (Oddly enough, some overlap events claim the enemy was hit in the weapon, even though the weapon ignores collisions with weapons. Maybe the enemy weapon adopts the collision data of its parent?)

The projectile has a default scene root component that’s a sphere collision. The weapon has a static mesh root, but replacing it with a capsule collision doesn’t seem to solve the issue (and a capsule collision is unusable anyway because the weapon isn’t centred on the origin and not necessarily capsule shaped).

Enabling Multi Overlap doesn’t solve the issue, but does generate multiple overlap events on hit, all of them hitting the skeletal mesh and yielding blank sweep hit data.

Changing the character capsule component collision preset from Pawn to anything else doesn’t solve the issue.

Another poster said it only works for “sweep movement”, so perhaps the problem is simply that melee weapons don’t sweep during the animation but just teleport to each consecutive frame, which would explain why the issue occurs but doesn’t actually point me towards a solution because that’s just how melee weapons work as far as I know.

This is the weapon hitting the skeletal mesh:

And this is the projectile hitting the skeletal mesh:

I’m out of options and hope someone can help me! <3