Overlap problem in my Blueprint


I’m encountering an issue with one of my Blueprints in Unreal Engine, and I’d like to seek your assistance in resolving it. Allow me to explain the situation:

I have a character with a component named “[A]_Contre.” I’ve connected an “On Component Begin Overlap” event to this component, which sets the “AContreBool” variable to True.

Additionally, I’ve linked the "On Component End Overlap" event to “AContreBool” to set it to False when the overlap ends.

However, when I press my InputAction “Shoot,” even after setting “AContreBool” to False through “On Component End Overlap,” the Print String associated with my InputAction still returns False.

It’s evident that the variable is correctly set to False after the “On Component End Overlap” event.
However, there seems to be an issue when using my InputAction. Can you assist me in understanding why this variable doesn’t appear to be recognized when using my “Shoot” InputAction?

There is My Input and Colision parameter :


Thank you in advance!

Can you show the input action code?

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I’m quite new at this, so I’m not sure if there’s any code behind it, but the InputAction has been set up in the ‘Actions Mappings’.

I noticed that this might not have been the best way to go about it, so I replaced it with an ‘EnhancedInputAction’, but nothing has changed.


Rather than printing the bool for overlap events, try printing ‘begin overlap’ or ‘end overlap’.

I think you might be getting the print strings jumbled up?..

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Thank you for your response.

I’ve tried that, but I haven’t noticed anything unusual.

There are no other references to this variable. I’ve attached the blueprint of the ball in question.

In essence, around the player, there are four zones, and depending on the player, I hide certain of these zones and cancel their Overlap Events, and it’s working.

Is there more than one of these same blueprints in the level? Are they giving you conflicting messages?

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Thank you!

Solution : The issue arose because I had multiple instances of this object (multiple players).

Is it possible to create an instance with its own overlap event without conflicts with others?

→ I set met variable to private and everything works! :slight_smile:


One more tips by ClockWorkOcean :

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If you have many of them, just make sure the collision boxes are not overlapping each other :slight_smile:

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Noted ! I will take that into consideration :slight_smile: Thank you for the time you have provided !

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