Overlap not working while fully enveloped?

Hi! I just discovered an issue, I have a custom (invisible) mesh with a custom channel and collision profile I use as a view cone for my character, and I wish to get notified when an enemy enters that code. Everything is set up and technically working, however I discovered that if the mesh I am detecting is fully inside the player’s viewcone (so that no edges or tris cross eachother), the end overlap event is triggered. Which I do not want. I want as long as the mesh is touching or inside the viewcone, it counts as overlapped. I mean, this works fine for things like triggerboxes after all?

My mesh is basically treated as hollow instead of a volume. How would I fix this?

Edit: Also, it doesn’t seem detect overlap during movement?

Edit2: Seems to be related to complex collision. As I have a predetermined mesh, I wish to use it as complex collision, rather than generating a new one.

You’re right, this works for triggerboxes, because those aren’t meshes. PhysX don’t like custom primitives/meshes. That’s why there’s simple and complex physics. Simple will give you proper overlaps, because it calculates volumes (using primitives like boxes, capsules, convex hulls for which PhysX knows mathematical formula for intersection within itself). Complex will give you stuff like UVs.

One way to deal with that would be to create a simple convex hull for this mesh. Since you haven’t provided screenshot from mesh asset, I can’t tell if you’ve done that. I’d think this’d be the case, but frankly, UE has loads of problems with collisions and it’s notoriously frustrating to deal with.

Yep, That’s what I was refering to.