Hi! I just discovered an issue, I have a custom (invisible) mesh with a custom channel and collision profile I use as a view cone for my character, and I wish to get notified when an enemy enters that code. Everything is set up and technically working, however I discovered that if the mesh I am detecting is fully inside the player’s viewcone (so that no edges or tris cross eachother), the end overlap event is triggered. Which I do not want. I want as long as the mesh is touching or inside the viewcone, it counts as overlapped. I mean, this works fine for things like triggerboxes after all?
My mesh is basically treated as hollow instead of a volume. How would I fix this?
Edit: Also, it doesn’t seem detect overlap during movement?
Edit2: Seems to be related to complex collision. As I have a predetermined mesh, I wish to use it as complex collision, rather than generating a new one.