Overlap multiple triggers at once and not end previous overlap – how to?


I’m stuck on simple problem. Game need to check when player is overlaping trigger - for example, hazard area. It works of course with single overlaping, but when triggers are overlaps each other, it reset previous triggers. Here sketchup:

When player (or other object) will be in yellow area A+B it should run both events and not end previous.

Now when player go from for example B to A+B area, it starts B, but when entering A+B he enters A, so B is end overlap.

Sorry maybe not clear description, but I think image can help :wink:

Any help appreciate! ++

Maybe you can show your code. I just tried this and it works fine.

This is simple start/end overlap. When player move from B to A+B, A start overlap and B end overlap. Not leaving B, just entering A

Similar for each “zone”

I made a BP with this in

Put two in the level




Hello @Vaheva !

By the look of your Bp, there is no problem, can you show what A does?

The problem looks like its in the Hazard Area In/Out, can that function work on two instances simultaneously? Maybe they are changing the same value or something like that

I just did test with other test trigger actor and it works. No idea why not this before :stuck_out_tongue:

I will test more and tell.

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If it is an unreal bug (it happens) you could delete the actors from the world, then dragging them in again or parenting the actors to AActor or whatever other actor, and then re-parenting the actors to the class that you need (A or B)

Solved. My fault. Overlap was ok, just I start same function somewhere else and here was conflict. Thank you for checking :slight_smile:

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