Overlap events shooting every tick if the collision box is moving in any way


this has been bugging me for days now and i can’t find a solution on the internets.

so, everything is fine regarding the overlapping events unless my volume is moving or rotating around ( a box collision in a turret actor parented to a flying UFO, or simply rotating on its own in a level ) when it starts fireing begin/end events EVERY tick, as if it has no knowledge of previous events, making it impossible to lock-on to my target that is overlapping the box.

i guess it can be solved by an intricate ‘‘do once’’ nodes but things get really messy once the other actors start overlapping…

I’ve tried faking the box by updating it on every tick with the ‘BoxOverlapActors’ node and it kiiiinda works but im concerned for any overhead. it’s easy to replicate so i guess it’s not a bug, am i doing something wrong?

i’m using 4.8.

I use an array for everything in the “begin overlap” that my volume finds…I add it to the array but only after checking if it’s already been added…if so I ignore it…clear array whenever you’re ready to “hit” that actor again…video explanation of this below…

hope it helps…good luck…

tnx President, great dev diary!
i did a similar take on arrays and it works now. it’s just a weeeeird bug ( or whatever it is) considering the wide use of overlaps…

Awesome to hear you have this up and working so you can get back to kicking *** at game making (big fan of your work for years now)…didn’t notice it was you when I was answering the question but yeah if you ever go on Steam or Kickstarter make sure to make an announcement here as I’ll be one of the first to support whatever you’re working on…

Good luck yo…

thaaank you for the support! means a lot since i have sooo much left to go :smiley: but if i ever get to that point i’ll make sure to properly announce it :slight_smile: