I’m new to Unreal Engine and have been using tutorials to guide me so far, but I can’t find any that cover the current issue that I have. I’m trying to make a game over screen/widget to appear when the player character hits a collision box, but nothing ends up happening when they overlap with it, I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong.
You likely have multiple compounding issues at this stage.
First: begin overlap does not have true or false conditions, the branch can not work.
You need begin overlap and another event called end overlap if you wish to revert.
Second: Overlap is all about the overlap settings of the actors involved if you put down a collision box and set it to overlap pawn only, then make sure your player collision is set to pawn then if box have generate overlap events active then it should work.
This is what the setting usually look like on a collision box if you wish to use it to overlap only player character.
These settings need to make sense at both sides for it to work and make sure the box size is big enough in your level.
I would start by just printing a message before attaching code to it.