Here is the shortend of it: Im making a test RPG. I want to have the NPC to turn toward the player when the player character overlaps a Range Sphere component in the NPC. This works. Within the Player I have a box component called InteractionBox that I want to use when the player is within range of an NPC and this box is overlapping the NPCs capsule component.
What doesnt work:
When the box is overlapping the NPCs capsule component, and moved away but the player has not left the Range area, the NPC turns away as if the player had moved away. Putting the box back over the NPC it will turn to face the player again.
What I want it to do:
I want the player’s InteractionBox to only be used for collision detection with the NPC’s capsule component and not the NPCs sphere component.
Ive tried using the Component Overlaps nodes but they do not allow me to focus on just returns of the capsule component and not the others component. Is this possible to do or should I try to just have the NPC turn to the player when the player is interacting with the NPC and not prior to that point.