Overlap box collision doesn't detect player/pawns on first entry only.


I’ve set up a sliding double door that opens when a player (or a pawn) gets close, and then closes when a player/pawn gets far away enough. However, the problem I’m having is that the overlapping box collision doesn’t seem to detect players or pawns when a door’s overlapping collision is entered for the first time. Which means in order for a door to work as intended - the player must enter it’s overlap collision box, leave the box, and then re-enter the box - then things work.

Here’s a quick demonstration of what I mean.

I’ve also attached a few photos as well as my event graph.

I’m still a new to UE :slight_smile: wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something obvious.

Thank you!

Are you walking from outside the volume, into the volume. Or is the player there on begin play?

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The player begins outside the volume, and then walks into it.

I think it might be the curve in your timeline, can you show that?

For instance, what happens if you do the overlap, but then wait a while?

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For sure,

No matter how long I wait inside nothing seems to happen. It’s essentially like none of the logic is working on the first entry.

Here it is

Is it 3 seconds or 1? :slight_smile:

( The TL will play for 3, even though your curve is 1. Try setting the length to 1 )

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Thank you :slight_smile: I adjusted the length to 1 second but interestingly the problem is still persisting,

Ok. I see another collision box there, what is that doing? Is there more code in the BP?

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The red collision box is just the collision component for the spectator cam - it’s easier to tell here where you can see me enter the spectator camera and fly back.

And as far as the blueprint goes, this is all I have for it. No additional code anywhere else,

I’m pretty much out of ideas at the moment. Although I would try it with a default first person player. It looks like you made that one from scratch.

Nothing wrong with that, of course, but what I would do is just put the door BP in a new level with the default player. I think that would work.

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No sweat! I’ll keep playing around with it. I really appreciate the help, thank you <3

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In the case someone else is having a similar problem, here’s what fixed it for me.

Go into your first/third person character blueprint > viewport > and under details search for “generate overlap events” and make sure that box is checked.

I still don’t understand why the doors would only open on the 2nd+ attempt, but now they function as intended. Hope this helps someone!

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