I’ve set up a sliding double door that opens when a player (or a pawn) gets close, and then closes when a player/pawn gets far away enough. However, the problem I’m having is that the overlapping box collision doesn’t seem to detect players or pawns when a door’s overlapping collision is entered for the first time. Which means in order for a door to work as intended - the player must enter it’s overlap collision box, leave the box, and then re-enter the box - then things work.
The red collision box is just the collision component for the spectator cam - it’s easier to tell here where you can see me enter the spectator camera and fly back.
And as far as the blueprint goes, this is all I have for it. No additional code anywhere else,
In the case someone else is having a similar problem, here’s what fixed it for me.
Go into your first/third person character blueprint > viewport > and under details search for “generate overlap events” and make sure that box is checked.
I still don’t understand why the doors would only open on the 2nd+ attempt, but now they function as intended. Hope this helps someone!