Overal project time slowed twice after opening an UE4.12 project in UE4.13

Hello, I opened my project in UE 4.13 and noticed, that everything has slowed down around twice, but with a smooth frame time of 135 fps: animations, object falling time, even delay nods, that are supposed to delay 1 sec. now delay 2 sec with a set time of 1 sec. I tried packaging, but the problem wouldn’t go away. I tried to compensate and speed up the game using global time dilation and undilated frame time in world settings tab. I packaged it and it seemed to work fine on my PC, but on other machines it worked either too fast or too slow, so I need another solution for this.

Some backstory. I would have stayed with UE4.12, but it would not allow me to package. I was fixing an error after error, fixed underscores with the help of staff, but new unknown errors would appear and I am having a hard time weeding it out, narrowing my searches to nothing without results, so maybe this problem with v4.13 is easier to solve?

Let’s assume that you are using event tick and other events that are based on your frame-rate, which you should never do. The way to fix it then would be to not use those events and use timers instead. Or try to Cap your frame-rate in the Project settings to 60fps.

I do use event ticks, I’ll keep in mind to avoid them in the future, but time is twice as slow when a delay is triggered by “event begin play” and other functions.

Night Watcher, for the sake of an argument I tried to get rid of event ticks and it worked! Thanks for the hint, I am cleaning the project now. I had no idea event ticks could effect the game so globally.