Over-blending an animation?

So I know you can blend from a standing animation to a crouching animation, but is it possible to over blend so you go from standing to an exaggerated crouch?

Like this: Animation Bootcamp: An Indie Approach to Procedural Animation - YouTube

Instead of a linear blend from a stand to a crouch, a spring-damper system is used to blend into an exaggerated crouch before settling on the main crouch. Like the character is adjusting their weight. But unreal anim blends use 0-1 alpha values so I dunno how to do it.

Make an extreme 1frame animtion.
add a state machine to the sequence. Set blend time to .2(defult).
and you get the exact same result…

You just have standing > stand to crouch > compressed pose > crouch.
all in the same logic line/pathway of the state machine.