Over 2 months and still no help or replies to get my trader verification sorted?

Hi I received this notification while trying to verify my trader status; Verification error We were unable to complete your trader verification. In order to retry, please reach out to our support team by creating a private case. I have sorted my tax information no problem, they have opened it back up so I could resubmit, I sent that weeks ago, and submitted a private case ticket but heard nothing? Not sure if there is a better way to go about this as it gives no info as to what might have gone wrong. Is waiting months for something that says should be sorted within an hour usual? I was hoping to get it resolved soon as I wanted to launch my game in tandem with the Steam launch, but can’t submit the store page and build until I get that part fixed. I paid the fee to get my game set up on Epic, but cannot submit as the trader information was not verified.

Many Thanks James


Hey there,

There are known issues with Trader Verification that affect organizations differently, when there is no response it means its currently in investigation and will hopefully be resolved soon. We apologize for the delays and we’re doing everything we can to have as many of these fixed as soon as possible.

1 month and still no fix??


Je travail actuellement sur le portail des développeurs afin de publier un jeux sur l’Epic games store. Quand je vais dans la rubrique Information du commerçant. Rien ne se passe, ça mouline sans arrêt. C’est une étape importante afin de finaliser la mise en place sur votre store. J’ai beau actualiser la page sans arrêt, rien ne change.

Auriez vous une solution à me communiquer afin de finaliser cette étape s’il vous plaît ?

En vous souhaitant une bonne fin de journée




When it comes to the Chinese ID verification, at this time, we’re unable to accept any IDs not submitted in latin and would need to be one of the identifications mentioned below:

  • Residence Permits:
    • RP 2014
    • Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card
    • Permanent Resident Card
  • All Passports
  • Exit-Entry Permit 2010
  • Exit-Entry Permit
  • Home Return Permit (old + new version)

I need to apply for a passport even though I don’t go abroad, LOL.