Outputting logs in UnrealEditor-cmd


Small tip in case people (like me) hadn’t previously discovered this. If you’re using UnrealEditor-CMD and want to get log output to Stdout (perhaps you have called UnrealEditor-CMD from Python, for example) add these flags:

-stdout -FullStdOutLogOutput

Note that the order is important, specifically these (and all) editor flags should be specified after the Project you’re loading. The following example also runs a Python script after the Project is loaded.

UnrealEditor-cmd.exe "C:\projects\MyProject.uproject" -stdout -FullStdOutLogOutput -run=pythonscript -script="c:\\my_script.py"

Additionally, you can add a -LOG flag to simultaneously have the output sent to disk.

Note that the log always goes to your project’s Saved/Logs folder, however you can name it whatever you like.

Building on the above:

UnrealEditor-cmd.exe "C:\projects\MyProject.uproject" -stdout -FullStdOutLogOutput -LOG=log_on_disk.log -run=pythonscript -script="c:\\my_script.py"

If anyone has additional details please do chip in!

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