Output to a Printer

I know this has been asked before, however, the answer seems to be incomplete.

I originally had a desire, in an attempt to test my own competence with Unreal Engine, if I could recreate a simple database I made for my work (using Microsoft Access), but using Unreal Engine instead.

I know that there are far BETTER software development platforms for Productivity applications than using Unreal Engine. This is just for my own self-development purposes. Anyway, one of the issues I thought about during this exercise is the final destination of the data is going to be printed.

I know that I can store the data using the Game Save Object, and I can recreate the database structure using Structures. I can display the data to be manipulated on the screen. However the issue comes at the end, after all the data has been input into the system, it has to be printed.

  1. I need to create a “presentation” format, that’s suitable for a sheet of paper. As far as I know, there’s no functions contained within Unreal Engine that facilitate this.
  2. I need the abitliy to send to a custom printer.’

In another discussion, this was pointed out, which is great, if I understood C++ at all (beyond the very basic keywords and programming structure).

So to truly utilize Unreal Engine in a Productivity function, I would need to either have, or create a plug-in that handles screen-to-paper conversion of output, and the ability to connect to a printer. I searched through the current list of plug-ins and in the Marketplace, and currently as far as I can tell, this plug-in does not exist.

Did I miss anything?