Output Log

When Unreal opens a level in editor it creates an output log and lists everything done. Upon reviewing it I have found a few Yellow items usually this means errors but not anything that will kill the game.

My question is, Is there a way of finding out where these errors are happening or being called to help track things down?

All examples are from a project that is Blueprint based, currently no c code used. (Unreal 4.27.2)


LogLinker: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Game/FirstPersonBP/FirstPersonOverview’: Can’t find file.
LogLinker: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Game/FirstPersonBP/FirstPersonOverview’: Can’t find file.
LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object ‘Class /Game/FirstPersonBP/FirstPersonOverview.FirstPersonOverview_C’

I started with the first person template but after my own level was built this was all removed or so I thought.

LogAudioMixerAudioUnit: Warning: Error querying Sample Rate: 2003332927

All our Audio is 48k so I have not idea where this is coming from.

LogNavigationDirtyArea: Warning: Skipping dirty area creation because of empty bounds (object: InstancedStaticMeshComponent …)

From my understanding this is tied to nav meshes but we do not currently have any in level, although they will be used later.

So any tips or tricks to help tracking these down would be appreciated.

I think this is because the map is still referenced by the default load level in the project settings

Not sure about the rest :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response but those are both set to use the new level. I even set the server map to be the new level just in case. Sadly it did not fix it.

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I made a new blank First Person Example and this warning is generated by that, so at least in this case I know the error is not between the chair and the keyboard. :slight_smile: As it has only Unreal Content in it. Weirdly the only Audio I can find is the gun fire sound and it is 44.1k.


I seem to have tracked this down, in case anyone else is seeing a similar error.

I have a blueprint with 2 instanced static meshes. On the construction script I have code that lays out the first instanced static mesh which is a pathway to walk on.

There is then a boolean which I can turn on and off. If it is ON the second static mesh is used as the end of the path.

The error occurs when the boolean is set to false (OFF) and the second instanced mesh is NOT used. Somehow the logging process registers this second instanced static mesh and because it is not used it has an empty bounds.

I guess this would cause no issues to game play scenarios but at least I know what it causing it now.

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