Output Log not in English

I was doing the new Battery Collector tutorial and when I was trying to Debug using the Output Log all of my character were not in English.

void ABasePickUp::WasCollected_Implementation()
// Log a debug message
FString PickUpDebugString = GetName();
UE_LOG(LogClass, Log, TEXT(“You have collected %s”), “PickUpDebugString”);

LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g
LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g
LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g
LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g
LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g
LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g
LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g
LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g
LogClass: You have collected 楐正灕敄畢卧牴湩g

I figured it out.
void ABasePickUp::WasCollected_Implementation()

// Log a debug message
FString LogOut = GetName();
UE_LOG(LogClass, Log, TEXT(“You have collected %s”),*LogOut);
This worked out fine.