I’ve been following a few videos to create an RTS type game, I currently have a simple setup that allows me to spawn buildings and npc characters into the game world.
In the videos when an object is spawned during play it is added to the world outliner list, however when I press play to test it and press the button to spawn a building or npc everything seems to spawn in fine but the world outliner does not show anything new. I have run many tests to check if the objects are spawning correctly and everything says they are.
After a little bit of digging around I have discovered that if I click the view options in the world outliner and click auto under choose world the spawned objects appear in the list but if I then go and add more the outliner once again does not update untill I click auto again. (to be clear this is all in one instance of a play test I am not closing the play window just switching between that and the editor to re-click auto).
It’s not really a big deal as I know everything from my code is working but I have posted this under bugs because it seems that in previous versions of the engine (the videos are prior to 4.12) the list updated automatically without needing to change the outliners view settings every time something spawns.
Am I just missing an engine setting? why is the list not updating as it is a bit of a pain to keep switching windows just to view these objects?