Outline text in HUD

I have made a HUD blueprint that loads in
and writes strings from a string array using
a “draw text” node (target is hud). The blueprint is set as the level HUD in the 3rd
person example project. I would like to draw
text with an outline. Is this possible in a HUD
blueprint or can this only be done in a widget?

Knowing how little love HUD has received in the last 3 years (none), I’d say it’s a no no. To be honest, the outlines were added not so long to the UMG itself.

I agree, you might want to use UMG as your HUD solution going forward as it gets a lot more support and documentation. However, changing the font material you are using to one that uses an outline should allow this for your HUD.

What are my other options then? Are there any workarounds? For example: Can this be done from a widget? Can I make my blueprint draw towards a widget? Note that the text itself is constantly moving on screen and the text is also changing.

How exactly does one combine font materials with the draw text node? There only is a font reference input

In a widget, you just punch in a single value and your text has an outline. What you do with it, it’s up to you. Moving it around the screen is pretty straightforward.

Can I make my blueprint draw towards a

Widgets have screenposition, so yes. Although, I do not fully understand what you are going to draw.

a bit late, but I though I should answer all my unanswered questions from the past. Using a UMG text object instead of the draw text node was an easy solution