Outdoor Real World Interactive Map creation

Hi hello, I ligit have no idea what i doing or what im getting into right now by asking if this is something unreal could be used for. but i will try my best to describe the project i dreamed up…
I want to use 360 pictures and or video to capture real world environments (outside) to create open world “walk throughs” of rock climbing areas. sort of like the 360 house tours, accept better, and more of a video game user experience. I am thinking along the lines of AR maybe? where as a user you can be walking thru the area IRL pull up your phone and as you look around information shows up up the different cliffs or boulders showing where the climb is on the cliff with a thin line from top to bottom, difficulty, length, amount of gear required, trail lines to other areas … ect. the typ of info is not important right now, im just trying to paint a picture. so what i hope to do is create a virtual copy of an area, turn that into a game environment where the user plops down in the area like FPS style and can run around the area and explore it before they actually go there, then once they do go there they can use their phone to look around the area and get all the route info AR style…
i hope that make sense. I know that it will be a pretty massive under taking. But right now im just wondering if people think that its something i would work on in unreal?
thanks a bunch! also not sure if i asked this in the right place… again thanks for any and all feedback!

Not an expert in what you are asking; however, thinking about it, I see two non-trivial tasks:

  1. Converting a series of 2D images into, say, a 3D terrain.
  2. Assuming you can create a 3D terrain from the 2D images, next you need to create the texture/graphics/artwork that layers on top of that generated 3D terrain.

I would like to claim that UE4/5 cannot make 1) or 2) happen; however, if you could generate a 3D terrain with the texture overlay and you got that information into a format that can be imported into UE4/5, I believe UE4/5 could make this information into some kind of video game “walk through”.

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Thank you for your insight. I have much to learn