Out of video memory

Hi all,i have an issue when importing an heightmap. I created an heightmap with world machine of 16kmx16km and tried to import in ue 5.10 but after some seconds i get the errore out of video memory. Tried with my pc (5950x 32gb ram 3090) and with my cousin pc (12900k 32gb ram 4090) and i get the same error. The landscape is without texture. Using a 12kmx12km landscape works correctly.

Hey there @Spri81! Welcome to the community! I don’t think the landscape system should be clipping 24gbs of VRAM in one shot even if you were rendering it in it’s entirety. I’ve got an idea to try and it may or may not work as intended.

First make sure the map your project loads up to in the editor is not the one we’re testing this on. Then we’re going to change your RHI from DX12 to DX11. This is only temporary to lower the VRAM overhead while generating the landscape. Tutorial on how to do that below: Render Hardware Interface (RHI) | Community tutorial

If that works, congrats! You can turn your RHI back and test if rendering the level crashes/consumes your entire GPU of Vram. If all is well, you should be good to go. If not, I have a question!

Did it ever crash or just stop the operation? If so, could we have the crash logs here?

Thanks for the answer. I’m going to test it in the next days. I don’t have a crash log,it just close ue and a window pop up saying “Out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource”.

As soon i’ll test this i’ll let you know. Thanks again

ok i managed to do a quick test. It works but the texture of the landscape are all pixelated. I also tried to make a landscape of 8x8km and scaled it 2x when importing and it works just fine. However i don’t know if scaling an 8x8 landscape can create issue in game o for something else

We try not to scale landscape much as it decouples your terrain resolution from it’s actual size. So say you were to sculpt the terrain now, your per poly resolution for terrain get’s less smooth. Which if the res was high before, didn’t really matter but if it wasn’t, it’ll be apparent that there are massive polygons for terrain. (not always a bad thing but you know, different games different needs).

The texture issue can be solved by shifting around the UV tiling on the material. If you’re following a tutorial it likely goes over that to get a proper terrain material resolution. It could also be the texture mipmaps. Are these megascans assets or custom?

It’s the mw automaterial asset. Sometimes i get this bad texturing when i apply It on big landscapes.