Out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource


I have created a project which has a fairly dense nanite/lumen scene and one sequence. If i leave the project open for a minute or so (and the sequence) i get the ‘Out of video memory_rendering’ message and the project has to be closed. This is obvisouly extremely stressful as i can’t get any work done on this project.

I have checked the streaming stats and nothing is over budget. (Scalability cinematic: required pool 13% Non streaming Mips 41%) My GPU is running 10gb out of 16 gb and doesn’t appear to be maxing out. I have tried to go through all my textures and compress any large ones.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what i can check? I have lots of assets purchased from CG Trader/ Sketchfab and I am also using some image media sequences (exrs low compression). I’m also using Ultra Dynamic Sky and a simple dusty landscape.

Has anyone experienced this before and if so what did you do to fix it?

Thanks in advance…

Seemed to have found the culprit. I took my level and duplicated it a few times. In each version i removed possible assets which i thought might be causing this.

It turns out that there was an image sequence (image media/ media plate) with 6k exrs in it. So far that seems to be the source of the problem. I switched it for 2160x2160 exrs and these seems to have sorted it.

However I will report back if the dreaded low memory warning returns!