here you can see my problem:
I am getting this error in a very simple level (archiviz, empty map with a couple of static meshes of small house, wooden floor material, all the rest in clay, no foliage, no anything basically) after copying BoxReflectionCapture or pasting groups of meshes (already textured).
I took a simple test (to be sure I didn’t mess up anything in my scene) and I opened clear Unreal project with default basic content for architectural projects. I added 11 BoxReflectionCaptures and it crashed.
What’s funny, there are no errors in project from 4.23.1, which was updated to 4.24.
I didn’t have such issues with previous engine versions.
My system specs: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX 32-core, 32 GB RAM, GTX 1050 ti