Out of memory

Bonjour à tous,

Je rencontre acutellement un problème de out of memory lorsque j’essaye de merge des asset d’un projet à un autre, pourtant ce sont de simple curve pour blend différentes animations entre elle, donc vraiment de petits fichiers de quelques ko, pourtant lorsque je les mets sur d’autres projets à chaque ouverture de projet cela me prend plusieurs dizaines de giga de ram par uasset et fait planter le projet …
Quelqu’un aurait une idée ? Ou pourrait tester mes uasset voir si c’est pareil chez eux ?
Merci beaucoup.

Bonjour Gui205_El_Besto

Can you share a link - and I’ll see if it uses the same amount of memory on my ordinator…

Curve.zip (486.1 KB)

Half are from ALSV4 but modified

The memory overload is because the assets are corrupted - I noticed they are also 4.26 versions. If you can, try migrating those assets into your project from a newer version of ALSV4.

I have tryed, but that change nothing :confused:

I tried copying those files into a new ALSV4 project here and it crashes when loading.

Yep, same, but the problem is, why ? It’s not huge and complexe file so …

It’s corrupted - maybe a hard disk error, or it may be a virus.

I’d suggest doing a scan of your disk for errors and viruses.

They’re my own file so i dont think it’s a virus, but corrupted file is possible because it’s the curve i save in backup since a while now to avoid to have to remake them at each project so :confused:

Sounds like a backup corruption then - did you have any other backups or projects that had those files?

You could also try removing one file at a time until it loads ok - then try adding them back one at a time until it fails again - it may just be one or two files that are corrupted.

Otherwise I’m afraid it looks like you’ll need to recreate them.