Our first paid project - Two Story House :))

hey guys,

We’ve been working on UE4 for quite of time now and we finally finished this two story house project, I’ll share some pictures and a link to the walk-through.

give me your feedback :slight_smile:

Not bad. I like some pictures. But video shows us you have to practice a lot. You have still lightmap and contact shadow problems…

Really nice, great detail throughout. What lighting setup did you use? And how many polygons out of interest? Looks to be a fair bit of cloth!

Nice work !

I like the plants! What was your lightmass settings? I did a small apartment and this how it came out… this after about 4 months learning ue4. My lightmass info is in the description. What do you think btw? Yours did come out nice.

Looks fantastic. This is something I really want to get into