OSX IntelTBB dylib missing

When I try building from 4.4.3-release On OS X 10.9.4 with XCode 6.0.1 set to “UE4Editor - Mac” I get the following error:

[1/6] Link UnrealHeaderTool-Core.dylib

clang: error: no such file or

clang: error: no such file or

I’ve confirmed that the Required_1of2.zip file from the release post on github does not contain the dylib files, but only ‘a’ files.

$ unzip -l ~/Downloads/Required_1of2.zip | grep IntelTBB
   298568  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Mac/libtbb.a
    92480  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Mac/libtbbmalloc.a
   462256  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Win32/vc11/tbbmalloc.lib
   471902  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Win32/vc11/tbbmalloc_debug.lib
   468042  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Win32/vc12/tbbmalloc.lib
   474132  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Win32/vc12/tbbmalloc_debug.lib
   545398  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Win64/vc11/tbbmalloc.lib
   567490  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Win64/vc11/tbbmalloc_debug.lib
   553054  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Win64/vc12/tbbmalloc.lib
   574092  08-08-14 13:11   Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Win64/vc12/tbbmalloc_debug.lib

How can I resolve this? Thanks.

No idea why they’re missing, I’ll try to find out. In a meantime, if you have a binary build, you can find these dylibs in /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.4/Engine/Binaries/Mac. Just copy them to /Users/robert/Dev/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Mac/

Getting a similar error in both Xcode 5.1.1 and 6.0.1:

clang: error: no such file or directory: ‘/Users/name/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/IntelTBB/IntelTBB-4.0/lib/Mac/libtbb.a’

Navigate to the directory and I find libtbb.dylib and libtbbmalloc.dylib not .a files for either.

Are these supposed to be looking for the dylib’s and not the .a files?

Copying them from the Shared folder unfortunately yields this error:

[19/20] Link UnrealHeaderTool-ScriptGeneratorPlugin.dylib
Fixing dylib dependencies for UnrealHeaderTool
-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
Cumulative action seconds (4 processors): 0.00 building projects, 238.26 compiling, 0.00 creating app bundles, 0.00 generating debug info, 0.91 linking, 0.00 other
UBT execution time: 69.66 seconds
Parsing headers for UE4Editor
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libtbb.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/robert/Dev/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Mac//UnrealHeaderTool-Core.dylib
  Reason: image not found
Error: Failed to generate code for UE4Editor - error code: 133