OSX Github master branch

Compiled from source in both running and profiling configurations and the shader compiler craps out before the world loads. Is it running on OSX at the moment or am I missing something?

Top of call stack at crash:

#0	0x0000000133bcf225 in CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(unsigned char) [inlined] at /Users/justinwalsh/Perforce/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Mac/MacPlatformMisc.h:51
#1	0x0000000133bcf0b1 in operator<<(FArchive&, FOpenGLUniformBufferCopyInfo&) at /Users/justinwalsh/Perforce/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/OpenGLDrv/Public/OpenGLShaderResources.h:224
#2	0x0000000133bc9d06 in operator<<(FArchive&, FOpenGLCodeHeader&) at /Users/justinwalsh/Perforce/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/OpenGLDrv/Public/OpenGLShaderResources.h:262
#3	0x0000000133b59bd5 in TOpenGLShader<FRHIVertexShader, 35633u, (EShaderFrequency)0>* CompileOpenGLShader<TOpenGLShader<FRHIVertexShader, 35633u, (EShaderFrequency)0> >(TArray<unsigned char, FDefaultAllocator> const&) at /Users/justinwalsh/Perforce/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/OpenGLDrv/Private/OpenGLShaders.cpp:461

The master branch is not guaranteed to build correctly or function at all. If you want a running build checkout the 4.7 branch or the 4.7.1-release tag.

Understood. I’m after features that are in 4.8 so was just more or less making someone aware that it is not running on OSX, and was also curious if anyone else out there was experiencing similar issues.

Rebuild ShaderCompileWorker and it will function.

Finally had a chance to try what you suggested and… All is well. Thanks!