OSX engine config location for UE4.5.1

Building for OSX UE4.15.1, there are is no Saved config files and any I create are being ignored. Is the following logic correct or should I be creating Engine overrides elsewhere?

Context: I’m overriding audio mute to assist screencapturing a build.


On Windows, I can add to this to pre-existing Engine.ini
C:\Users\Modprods\Documents\Unreal Projects\build\WindowsNoEditor\ass2\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini

but on OSX, no equivalent file exists and creating the following is ignore

Hi Michela,

Off the bat I would say that “ass2.app” is not a proper directory but instead points to an app itself, making all subsequent directories insignificant, meaning changes made to Engine.ini aren’t being recognized by the engine.

Try changing the name of the directory to “ass2” (like the Windows directory) and let me know if this does not resolve the issue.