Oslo UE User Group Meetup #2: Member Project Presentations & Epic Spring Game Jam Kick-Off

Heya folks!

After our successful inaugural Meetup in Oslo, we’ve scheduled our 2nd meetup to coincide with the Epic Spring Game Jam livestream!

There’ll be UE-Powered VR Project Presentations by members of the group, a bit of socializing before watching the livestream together and forming smaller teams for those who wish to join the official jam and discuss entry ideas.

This next one should be oozing with UE fun, so don’t miss it! Hope to see you all there!!! Visitors to the land of the North are more than welcome!!!

Special thanks to Impact Reality](http://www.impactreality.no) who has kindly offered to host this meetup at their offices in Kongensgate, near the National Architecture Museum so should be fairly central to most.

Draft Agenda:

6:00pm - 6:05pm Intro (Rune Berg, Organizer, EN)
6:05pm - 6:10pm Welcome Remarks (Håkon Grøthe, CEO Impact Reality, EN/NO)

6:10pm - 6:30pm Magnus Elden (VRVizualizer, Vive, EN)
6:30pm - 6:45pm Break - Socials - Project Trial

6:45pm - 7:00pm Kim Baumann (TBA, GearVR, EN)
7:00pm - 7:15pm Håkon Grøthe (Real-estate showroom, Vive/PC, 360/Android, NO)
7:15pm - 7:45pm Break - Socials - Project Trial

7:45pm - 8:00pm Open Slot / Backup: Rune Berg UE VR Plugin new Climbing & Custom Gravity mechanic (Vive, EN)
8:00pm onwards Epic Live stream (Twitch)
Team matching (5ppl per team max, 2-3 ppl ideal) - Discuss entry ideas

More info here: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-Unreal-Engine-Meetup/events/237877606/

Rune Berg
Marketplace VR Plugin: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/vr-pawn-components-plugin
GitHub: 1runeberg (Rune Berg) · GitHub
YouTube Development Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCUwqylv61tFggp6sIcNH6w

Awesomeness! Thanks for taking the time and organizing.

Hei, do you mean this one in oslo Bankplassen 4, 0151 Oslo - or is it another place ?

yep – that’s the museum right across the architecture one. The exact location is as stated on the meetup page:


Sign up on the meetup to be counted (we have limited slots) and let me know if you have any probs finding the place! I look forward to seeing you there :slight_smile:
