OS X frequently hangs(beach ball of death) when working with blueprints

I’ve been having issues quite frequently with UE4 on Mac OS X Yosemite. It seems to be quite random, but doing almost anything in Blueprints and UMG causes UE4 to beach ball and requires a force quit.

Here are some specific things I’ve done that seem to trigger the hang frequently :

  • Dragging from a node’s pin into an empty space to brin up the popup to create a new node.
  • Adding a variable to a blueprint
  • Just moving around a HorizontalBox in the UMG designer view.

I’m basically just going through the UMG Hud tutorial trying to get things working, and can’t usually go more than 5 minutes walking through the steps before I run into a beach ball.

This is running on a clean install of OS X Yosemite on both a 2011 iMac with 16GB RAM, as well as a 2013 13" MBPr w/8GB RAM. And using version of UE4 from the initial 4.5 release, to the 4.5.1 and also on the 4.6 preview release.

Below is from UE4 log right before the hang occurred, in case there is anything helpful to debug the issue:

New page: Compile GameHUD
Info [0852.07] Compile of GameHUD
successful! [in 65 ms]
[2014.11.16-06.11.50:868][384]LogRHI:Warning: OpenGL debug output extension not
Failed to find object ‘Object None.’
Failed to find object ‘Object None.’
Failed to find object ‘Object None.’
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:024][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_DynamicCast
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:024][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_DynamicCast
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:024][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_DynamicCast
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:024][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be EdGraphPin
or EdGraphPin
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:024][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be EdGraphPin
or EdGraphPin
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_VariableGet
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_VariableGet
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_VariableGet
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be EdGraphPin
or EdGraphPin
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be EdGraphPin
or EdGraphPin
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionResult
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionResult
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionResult
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionEntry
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionEntry
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:025][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionEntry
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:026][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionResult
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:026][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionResult
[2014.11.16-06.11.56:026][883]LogUObjectHash:Warning: Ambiguous search, could be
or K2Node_FunctionResult


I am unable to reproduce the issue following the steps you’ve described. Please provide more information about your Mac’s specs. You can find this in the Apple menu >About This Mac>More Info> Add the information from this window (serial # not necessary).

We also need the following information from the “System Report:” Apple menu >About This Mac>More Info> System Report>Hardware (All information listed in the “Hardware Overview.”) You can cut and paste this information or provide screen shots, whichever is more convenient.

Also, please provide the following crash logs:

The UE4.log (Located: ~/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/Editor/)
The ProjectName.log (Located: ~/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/ProjectNameEditor/)


Hi ,

Here is the requested information:
Hardware Overview:

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,1
Processor Name: Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 2
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 8 GB
Boot ROM Version: MBP111.0138.B11
SMC Version (system): 2.16f68

I was unable to attach the logs (either as .log files or in a .zip) but have uploaded them to Google Drive:


One crash I am able to reproduce consistently on both my systems on 4.6 Preview:

  1. In the MyCharacter blueprint (FPS project template) add a variable (eg. P_Health, as a Float)
  2. Click Compile, in order to be able to set Default Value
  3. Enter a value (eg. 1.0) as Default Value and hit return key.
  4. Click the Compile button

Hi ,

Your computer’s graphic card only supports OpenGL 3.3 whereas it is recommended you use a graphics card that supports OpenGL 4.1 to run UE4 as shown here:

I have tried to recreate your issue on a Mac with a graphics card running OpenGL 4.1 and was not able to reproduce your issue as shown here:

If it looks like I did not follow the steps you described that causes the crash most frequently, please advise how I can try to reproduce this issue more accurately.


Thanks for the follow up. I double checked my system info and it should be capable of running OpenGL 4.1. The computer is a 2013 13" Retina MBP so it has the Intel Iris iGPU rather than the older HD 3000. Uploading an image from the hardware overview window.

I have also uploaded a screen capture video with the issue I was able to reproduce. Today I wasn’t able to get it to happen 100% of the time, but still able to do it after changing the default value 1-3 times.

The key process seems to be the following:

  1. Double click on the default value field to highlight the current text.List item
  2. Input a new value, and press the return key to set the value
  3. Without clicking elsewhere go directly to the Compile button and click it (perhaps double click)

Here is a short screen capture video I took reproducing the crash this afternoon. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_fgPLAsJ8qyRTYyR1dsc2g2cTQ/view?usp=sharing

This isn’t the most annoying of the crashes, just the one I can reproduce the easiest. Most of them seem to have a similar crash reason as this (e.g… invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x…).

If there is a way to get better information to you guys regarding these crashes let me know, I can grab the source and do a build on the machine and hook it up to the Xcode debugger etc. even. I’ve been meaning to dig deeper there just haven’t made the time to do it yet.

Hi ,

Thank you for taking the time to supply all the additional information, especially the video. If possible, can you provide one more piece of information:

At the end of the video it shows the “Crash Reporter” pop-up window. In that window is a button “Copy Callstack to Clipboard.”

Could you press that button and paste the copied information into a document and send it. This is the best way for our developers to pinpoint where the problem is occurring.

Thanks again

Here you go.link text

Hi ,

I have followed the steps from the video step by step a number of times but have not been able to reproduce your issue. However, I have used the logs you’ve provided to file the Crash Report [UE 6153]. The developers will take a look at this to see if they can determine the reason you are experiencing so many crashes.

If they are able to discern the cause, they will post a response to this thread.

Thanks again for your feedback and for providing all requested logs.

This issue has been reported as fixed in CL2441666, however it will be a couple of months before this change can be incorporated into the engine.