Ortogonal Perspectives not showing Inside

I am a college student in Unreal and like, i am trying to see some ortogonal perspectives from the building was working on. But when i try to use the top perspective (or any other) if lit is all black, if unlit, the inside view is being blocked by the ceiling or the walls (i am close, i saw many times about the F to go close to the object) this when Lit, Unlit i can see the top of the building, only in wireframe i can see inside…but is a mess and i cant distinguish anything there, if i turn of the BSP i can see the objects on the interior but i lose the cloor and walls also.
It is some property i used to the ceiling/floor/walls? or just need to turn the visibility of that specific parts? (ceiling done by a lot of separated parts)

Top Perspective




Unlit not showing BSP