Orthographic projection error

Hi, I’m trying to export orthographic projection but when the process starts there is an error related to invalid or corrupted input data…how can I solve?

can you share the whole error there?
Are you able to export some other file?
Have you followed all these rules: How Can I Preserve the PPI Licenses??

Are you trying to export the ortho or compute it (as in the error it is mentioned as calculating)?

when i push render in the windows of orthophoto givi me this error
i think RC dosn’t compute anything

If you change the reconstruction region and then try to render ortho, is it the same?
What are your Ortho creation settings?
Are you able to provide some other operations in RealityCapture?
Is it possible to close and re-open the project without error? Is this also happening after application reset?

I done some test changin reconstruction region, i tryed to reduce definition, but i have the same error, other operation seems work, i defined normal detail models and then texturization and it’s work …i’m going to restart and reset the appliction…it’s a very bad situation because the model is big and the computational times are long…

i reset the application and reopen project nothing changes same error

How did you reset the application?
What are your ortho settings?
Is it possible to filter your model?
Where are your data saved?
Are you able to duplicate your model?
Can you share there your 1Ds view with all important parts?
Please try to clean the model and retexture either from scratch or reprojection with 4k textures.
Which version of RealityCapture are you using?