I can’t seem to be able to get it to do what I want though, am I going about this all wrong? The blueprint I posted follows the player, for parallax I need it to follow the player but slowly let the player get further away from it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I understand the basic logic of how this should work but not how to implement it.
+1 need something for render all front group of sprites in orthographic camera mode and back group in parallax(perspective), need something like hybrid camera
Spent all day trying to wrap my head around this and think I came up with a pretty decent method. I’ll leave this here for anybody who finds it looking for solutions.
Now I just need to grab my camera’s velocity instead of my characters velocity, because it can look a little weird sometimes with the camera lag (easing) I have on. Does anyone know how to do this? I can’t seem to reference it.
I can’t seem to reference it in anyway sadly. Tried getting it in mycharacter blueprint and copying and pasting it but I get errors. I’ve tried getting it through a reference to my character as well but nothing seems to work.
Ohh I think I figured out the problem. I assumed it wasn’t working because Get Component Velocity was just returning 0 0 0. I’m guessing it’s giving velocity relative to the blueprint that it’s in… Is there anyway I can get it’s world velocity?
Why use velocity when you can just relate to the current world location? Using velocity will cause drifting during runtime. Maybe I have misunderstood the thread. I did a quick test and you should be able to parallax your background by a formula similar to this:
ParallaxStrength is only a scalar to increase overall parallax. Distance could either be a static number or fetched from your depth axis. (for example Z) This formula will decrease the distance travelled the further away the layer is. The layer in this case would simply be a transform with multiple children.
I probably had some oversight or missed something crucial, but I can’t see why it would be more complex than this. If it is, please enlighten me.
Thank you for the suggestion. This is what I made attempting to follow your pseudo code. It is very buggy and I need to add to the Z location somewhere along the line. Where did I go wrong?