Orthographic Camera Projection Not Working

I’m new to unreal engine and am trying to set up an orthographic camera but whenever I change the projection mode to orthographic I get what looks like some wireframe mode. I have seen other people have similar problems but was unable to find a solution.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Hey there @KingofNerds101! Welcome to the community!
Head up here and change that to “Lit”

And Voila!

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Thanks this solved the problem however I can’t see shadows in orthographic mode even though the viewmode is on lit.

Oh I definitely see what you mean, shadows are having incredible artifacting for me. I noticed there were a ton of issues listed dating back a bit in the bug tracker. There are listed fixes for 5.1 orthographic camera shadows, but they might be a bit finicky until then.

For a workaround in the meantime, I’ve noticed people faking orthographic views by pulling their camera back and setting the FOV to like 10. I know this isn’t the best solution, and I’m going to see if there’s any others.