Ortho Projection - what is it's purpose?

Hey all,

I’m still new to all of this - while there is a help section for Ortho Projection it doesn’t really explain its purpose which is frustrating for us new users. That and I still find it a bit vague and difficult to bring up the menus (I have to consistently reset all of my defaults to get the Ortho menu to appear). I know that it has to do with how a texture is rendered depending on the point of view, but how does that equate to RC output?

For example, I’m doing an exhibit with lots of pictures and a skydome - could I use Ortho to clear up those pictures? Can I ‘replace’ what RC would generate with an Ortho with my own image (say a clearer rendition of a painting at a certain angle)? Is this what you use to create a good skydome? If so, how? Right now any ortho projection doesn’t seem to change my rendered output that much.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated - I need to hunker down for a lot of re-rendering this week and hoping to know before I start.

Bonus Question: What are the changes to the new unwrap? Does it effect UV islands? I’m having an issue with UVs from other programs in my workflow so have had to rely strictly on RC’s rather fractured UV islands… I don’t mind taking the risk of things going south by using the new unwrap and reporting back to the devs but don’t know what to look for as far as changes go.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Castlenock
ORTHOGRAPHIC projections are mostly used in GIS work, still a lot of companies create ORTHOs and then redraw 3D models on top of them. Orthos are used for mapping as they create source data projected properly to the defined orthographic projection for later use without any image distortion etc. They are not used very frequently in gaming or similar fields.

For example, I’m doing an exhibit with lots of pictures and a skydome - could I use Ortho to clear up those pictures? Can I ‘replace’ what RC would generate with an Ortho with my own image (say a clearer rendition of a painting at a certain angle)? Is this what you use to create a good skydome? If so, how? Right now any ortho projection doesn’t seem to change my rendered output that much.

Orthos are not useful for creating dome projections…

Bonus Question: What are the changes to the new unwrap? Does it effect UV islands? I’m having an issue with UVs from other programs in my workflow so have had to rely strictly on RC’s rather fractured UV islands… I don’t mind taking the risk of things going south by using the new unwrap and reporting back to the devs but don’t know what to look for as far as changes go.

Improved utilisation of UV space…

Your sir, just saved me from a ton of work and frustration - thank you so much for clearing that up - all of my testing in that area would have been for naught.

If I can’t fix my workflow bug I’m going to hit the new unwrap feature pretty heavily and will report back (PM or forums) on the results. Know it’s risky as it’s still experimental, but better UV mapping is what my project needs desperately at the moment so I’m willing to take the chance on using it.
