How to make ortho camera view like this:
camera looks at 45 degrees
can i achieve it without post proccess?
Have you tried fiddling with the camera’s ortho settings?
UE4’s cameras have a Projection Mode that can be switched between Perspective and Orthographic.
Yeah i know this settings. The main problem is when camera Yaw is 45 degrees floor and walls will be scaled 1/sqrt(2). As u can see in the pic scale is 1x1. Proof that is not 2d:
I’ll admit I have next to no experience with ortho cams. Just wanted to point out that the mode does exist. Shame it does not cater for what you need.
I’m going to tap out. Hopefully someone else can help you out.
Good luck!
Changing the pitch/transform rotation of the camera might get the results you are looking for although as can be seen on the image from Maxandr, you usually have to create with the camera in mind (slanted objects).