Original Mesh takes changes from Duplicate

Hello all, I have built a wall (Cube) with the Modeling Tool, which I then copied with ALT + Drag. If I now want to halve the wall with the “Pin-Cut”, so that the lower and upper side of the wall get 2 different materials, however, is always adjusted despite display, all objects. Is this the right way to make walls and how can I unlink the elements?

If you use cube-a to make all your walls, and then edit cube-a, then all you walls will change. That’s by design.

If you want to edit only one wall, make a copy of cube-a in the content browser, drag it into the level, and edit that.

I did that and so now i made 4 duplicates of the original mesh with different names. Fyi , these are static mesh actor blueprints.
Anyway, i went to edit one o in the modeling editor and when i accepted the changes then all the other actors i put in my level had the changes made to them as well. Is this because they all use the same actor in the class? Do i need not crate a class. I’m going to try to duplicates an imported mesh and see if that solves the problem