I am new to RC. I imported a registered point cloud to RC. The point cloud was registered in Faro Scene and exported into ordered e57 file format. When importing in RC I picked ‘exact’ for registration and ‘No’ for georeferenced. After exporting model to .OBJ in local Euclidean coordinate system (as defined in workflow=> project coordinate system and output coordinate system) it turned out my model orientation is different to the point cloud. The previous TOP is now SIDE of my model. Actually the symbol of coordinate system, the small green, red, blue arrows in RC shows different orientation to my point cloud orientation. XY plane is on side instead of on the top.
Anyone would know how to change it? I would like to keep my original coordinate system in which point cloud is registered.
Have many more questions btw but will post them gradually
Hi Ondrej,
I did what you suggested but still no success.
I found another setting re coordinate system when exporting the model.
Export model => Export transformation setting => then I picked ‘Project output’ option.
In the workflow settings project output is set for local1 - Euclidean.
Print screen showing the shift of the point cloud and the model.
Maybe, I should have added that the coordinate system the point cloud is registered is local, ‘flat’ (no projection scale) and XY plane is the horizontal plane once Z axis is towards ‘the sky’. I would say standard orientation nothing fancy
I am checking it. My first attempt failed. Now I noticed that if I look at the model in RC from top view and move the view with the mouse the coordinate symbol flips. Example: in top view Z axis is horizontal according to symbol, the Y is towards the top of the screen (ZY is horizontal plane). When I move the screen/view the Y axis flips once is on above once below from the Z axis, showing once that values grow up once down the screen.
Please find the video attached. Not sure if the symbol shows as well beginning of the coordinate system? If so it is in wrong location.
I tried to export the model with different axis rotations but none of them worked.
Thing is that the flipping coordinate system symbol confuses me and don’t know now how to flip it actually. I thought it should be 90 deg around Y axis (if the axis in the top view is up).
Wondering now how others solve this. I am sure there must be more users who register the point cloud outside RC.
Blue axis in RC is not Z but X. The green one is Y and Z is red.
It is ordinary right hand system. The axes are oriented (when you are looking from above): Y is pointing to the north and it is the green arrow, X is pointing to the east, it is the blue arrow and Z is pointing up as the red arrow.
(the colors are not right)
The pivot doesn’t show the axis orientation, just that it is this axis. Also, it can be placed anywhere.
The center of CS is recognised according to the grid. The meeting point of black axis is the centre [0,0].
hmm if so when I export the model without applying any rotation I should have at least Z axis same as my point cloud but it is not. The point cloud is in right hand system as well.
Not sure how to move on now.
If I center the pivot, does it show the center of CS? if yes, my PC is displayed in the wrong location.
Not always, it depends when you are opening the exported model. Some software have different axis orientations.
Therefore there are various transformation pre-sets:
Is it possible to share your data with us? To check them? If so I will send you the invitation for data upload.
If you Center the pivot it will go to [0,0,0] coordinate.
How does it look for you?
Can you share there also the side view of your mesh in RC?
My workflow is Faro Scene and then Autodesk products such as Autocad or Inventor. Between these apps I don’t have any problems so rotation of coordinate system is the same.
I can share the data, yes. The exported point cloud is around 25GB plus have ordered, registered scans in e57 format.
The files in e57 format were exported from Scene but I don’t suppose Faro Scene would change any coordinate system. I normally work with RCP files (Autodesk point cloud format) so haven’t used e57 before so can’t be 100% sure.
According to the views the model is oriented as it should in RealityCapture.
So in this case I would try different ± 90 degrees rotations around X or Y axis. I am not usre which combination will work for Autodesk, but one should.
All of the models have the same orientation and nothing is flipped.
Also, I made mistake regarding to center pivot. In 3D view you see the grid centre, not CS centre.
Can you check the Prior pose and Registration pose for your data:
This is how your export settings look?
I have just added it.
I exported it to fbx and attached to navisworks. Hmm wondering now if me export parametres are ok. I already tried quite a few export options/settings and none of them worked.
It seems that there is bug regarding FBX export. There is rotation and also transformation for the model. Rotation is just around X axis (90 degrees).
Is it possible for you to export for example OBJ?
Hi, we checked this with our team and there is no bug. The FBX file is opening correctly in other 3D applications.
Can you try open that FBX in Blender and then just export it using these settings:
After this the model looks correctly oriented in CloudCompare (same as OBJ file), so I suppose it should work also for you.