Hi i have mi player character with orient rotation to movement , but the problem is when mi character is looking for one side and i type the opposite side , like he is looking for right side and i input left arrow.
He does a desplacement on idle animation to side where is not looking.
The quality its bad , if you need i will upload another video where the problem is more visible.
you would like him to rotate faster to movement?
The rotation rate can be controlled in the character movement component. Its value is in angles per second.
It looks like you’re using an Idle - Run Blendspace driven by velocity
say his velocity is +100, to change directions, so that his new velocity is -100, his velocity will pass through 0,
so the blendspace will play the idle animation and then back to the running animation
You could use distinct AnimStates for Moving and Idle, to bypass this problem
or create an animation to play when the character does flip direction