I have a multiplayer game with several teams and I’m wondering where to store team information. I was thinking the best place would be the GameState so it’s replicated and accessible anywhere. But in my components I need to know if a target pawn is in an enemy team. I could iterate over each team array to first find my own pawn and then to check if the target pawn is in another team, to make sure I can attack. But iterating every time I want to cast a spell sounds like it could become a performance problem. Are there other recommended ways to check if pawn A is in the same or another team than pawn B? Should I use tags instead of arrays?
I was thinking to create a TeamComponent that I attach to each pawn, which would store which team a pawn is in, so I could quickly access the information without iterating over the whole team arrays, but that probably comes with its own share of overhead. Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance