šŸ›°ļø Orbital Market - Search engine for the UE marketplace

Hello everyone!

Iā€™ve had a hard time searching content in the marketplace, and as usual, when I think something could be a bit better, I just build it.

So I made a search engine with a bunch of features like sorting by popularity, displaying last update date, or infinite scrolling (no more pages!).


I see it as a win for everybody:

  • The buyers can find things easier
  • The seller can sell more and get some stats on their product visibility (stats are not implemented yet)
  • The UE marketplace get more sales

Itā€™s still in a very early stage, but since some features already work well, I thought it could be useful for some of you (and I can get some feedbacks/suggestion to improve it).

If you have any idea, donā€™t hesitate to drop a suggestion here or on the GitHub discussion forum :wink:

Also, for it to have a bit of visibility, I added a feature to improve visibility of the products and to increase the score by 10%:
If youā€™re a seller, you just have to put a link of Orbital Market in the description of your product. More visibility of Orbital Market = more visibility of your product!


Ahah, actually, Iā€™m having fun building this :D!

Also, what are the differences between owned and purchased? Iā€™m not sure if I can retrieve thoseā€¦ (but I could make accounts and people will have to manually add the product they owned)

@UnrealEnterprise Well, lists are on my todo list, so youā€™ll be able to create a list with you owned assets and a list with your purchased assets

Just wanted to say that I just added a feature to display discount and filter discounted assets (so that you can find cool discounted products for the February sale :slight_smile: !)

This is pretty neat and quite useful, however, when sorting by release date, the newest item is from four days ago, not sure when your service updates.
also for some reason the last update field seems to be a date that is before the release date field in most cases.

a suggestion would be to add content category filters, one of the most annoying thing I run into on the marketplace is when say I am looking for modern weapons for example there are just tons of sound effects, Id like to tell the search filter to NOT show anything from that (or maybe multiple) category(s)

Anyway, neat site, if the new content from the market gets updated onto Orbital quickly, I will definitely start using it instead.

@LumberingTroll Well, I updated it manually because I never took the time to automatize it (and this week, I wasnā€™t very available). But, letā€™s be real, itā€™ll take 15min to make itā€¦ Iā€™ll do it today!

The last update field is quite wrongā€¦ itā€™s based on the unreal API, but itā€™s the time when the first version of a file for a specific version of the engine is upload. Iā€™ll just deleted it as itā€™s quite confusingā€¦

Iā€™m noting the category filter suggestion, Iā€™ll try to add it! Note that you can search for ā€œmodern weapons -soundā€ :slight_smile: Thank you very much for your feedback!

@Herobrine20XX Thank you very much for your efforts, the site is quite useful!

Since thereā€™s a big sale going on, I thought I might up this topic :innocent: !
Here you can find the most popular assets: Orbital Market

Wow thats amazing! What power users of your Marketplace could really use, is a filter per Time. Like show me the most popular items last 3 month, last 12 month. Its super hard to identify new good things in the marketplace right now.

There have been a lot of new features since last time :smile: :

  • Display YouTube videos and SketchFab preview natively
  • Screens scroller below the preview
  • Category filtering
  • Release time filtering (so that you can find the most popular assets of last month, for example)
  • Author display and filtering
  • Unlimited wishlist
  • Price history
  • Direct link to reviews and questions

And a lot more is to come!


This is a very beautiful design. It is very easy to find old but quality products. I hope it reaches more people.

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This a wonderful design. Thank you for restoring reviews and questions, I just added a link to your store version in my marketplace products to ensure that buyers can notice previous reviews, that should hopefully help everyone navigate these difficult review-less times :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot :smile: ! Btw, adding a link to Orbital Market in your product description will boost its popularity on the search engine :slightly_smiling_face:

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There has been a lot of improvement but hereā€™s some that I just added recently:

Search query sharing

First, you can now save your search to bookmark it or share it. Here are a few examples:

Vault import

You can now more easily import your assets from the vault.

You can also import from a list of plugins name separated by comma, like this: Electronic Nodes,Darker Nodes,Ultra Dynamic Sky

Author ban

Some authors are flooding the market with stuff you might not be interested in.

You can now ban them, and the search results wonā€™t include their products. Just click on the little ā€œbanā€ icon next to their name on a product card.

Note on the popularity score

Iā€™ve been asked a lot on how the popularity score is computed. The source code is public if you want to check it out but basically:

  • More reviews improve the popularity
  • High mean rating improve the popularity
  • Recent release improves the popularity
  • Free price reduces the popularity
  • Discord verification reviews reduce the popularity
  • Boost improve the popularity (boosted product are marked with a little meteorite, they just have to add a link to Orbital Market in their description)

Thatā€™s about it, if you have any suggestion, feel free to add them here: GitHub - hugoattal/OrbitalMarket: Enhanced marketplace platform for the Unreal Engine marketplace (or telling me it this thread)

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Thanks for providing an informative, clean and simple site for us :clap:

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