Optimizing and Packaging for Android


I noticed that Tappy Chicken and Swing Ninja can be Packaged quite quickly, however when I try to package just the basic fps template to mobile, I’ve been sitting here waiting for about an hour while its packaging.

What can I do to a alter this basic template so it can package and play much quicker?

I noticed that a lot of the things it is trying to package are things in the material editor that I’m not even using, is it safe to just go to the matterial editor and delete them? they wont be deleted from other projects will they?

What are some ways I can make a game run with good performance?

How can I reduce draw calls and physics calculations?

I am planning to use one 1024x1024 texture for all my assets in my first game. (a very small game).
Does rendering multiple materials/shaders require multiple draw calls?

I just finished my first indie-game in a game engine called libGDX v=cgHk8cwI1wQ.
One of the key things that ate performance in LibGDX was calculating physics with box2d and having multiple draw calls.

Now I’m coming over to Unreal Engine, I hope all goes well and I make some new friends, I was a fan of the UDK for a while but I could never work out a way to use it effectively within a reasonable scope.
I am something of a fascist when it comes to the scope of a game, because games that go outside of a feasible scope just never ever see the light of day, similarly, I want to minimize and reduce every possible feature and every possible asset in a way that I can get maximum performance and minimum development time, as solo developer, the easiest way for me to get some play testing done is by handing people my mobile phone or getting them to install my game on their phone, a lot easier than trying to sit people down at a desktop computer or console. My current “benchmark” is a Samsung S3, because that’s the phone I have and it is around the $200 range.

EDIT: I never finished packaging the FPS template

As far as packaging goes:

  1. Make sure not to include starter content because of point two.
  2. Make sure to limit the amount of different textures (as android has 4-5 different texture formats, so each texture needs to be compressed to each format, if you pick Android [all] ). This is most likely the cause. You can just pick the the format your phone uses and that will help while developing (My Galaxy Note 3 has an Snapdragon/Adreno GPU so ATC format is the best format).
  3. Also make sure “Full project re-compile” isnt checked if you are doing small edits.
  4. After textures / source are compiled once it won’t need to be re-compiled unless you re-import/change source. So after first time your set :slight_smile:

As far as materials/shaders go: the complexity of the shader can effect performance but shouldn’t effect packaging times/project size (significantly anyway).

I just found this. Gotta go to bed soon but I’ll pin it up here.

best option is to zip your files then open that copy and try packaging that version.