Optimization question: Is it better to make a device or a regular class?

In my project, I sometimes make a creative_device, let’s say GameManager, and then instead of making another creative_device for another feature, I just make a regular class, with an array of it editable in my GameManager.

A slight advantage is that in the Editor, I can configure everything from my GameManager device. And I’m wondering if it has a performance advantage, for having less devices in the world?

A slight cons is that the list of parameters will all the arrays inside arrays, makes the list of settings very long and easy to get lost in.

So I’m curious, is it really a better practice to limit the number of creative_devices in the world? Is it still a better practice if they are not visible in the world? Does it depend on the number of devices, where it won’t make any difference for a couple dozen devices, but might make a difference for a couple hundred devices? Or is the different totally insignificant?

Hi Rhakys,

I like to imagine that many simple devices created in Verse would not impact performance. (As opposed to using many built-in Fortnite devices that each have high complexity)

Overall coding best practice would be to NOT have everything in one file/‘Gamemanager’.

Can anyone come up with a stress test? A performance increase for Verse is on the roadmap.

Thank you for your response!

To clarify, I do have my GameManager and other classes in different files. But my GameManager contain editable objects of those classes, so I can edit everything just in the GameManager in the UEFN editor.