Optimization question, box volume versus invisible plane

Hey all!

I want to restrict AI movement to some areas of a navmesh and am looking into the best options.

Between using something like a box volume and an invisible plane, I’m assuming a box volume would be more optimized?

Guessing this is the simplest approach, are they are any alternatives?


To make the outlines of the objects that restrict the navigation surface wider, you can increase the cell size in your recast nav mesh.

For making certain areas inaccessible to the AI manually, placing invisible boxes in your scene is the way to do it. But make sure to adjust it’s collision settings accordingly to allow the player to pass through them :blush:

A native dedicated tool:

Which supports Area Class, allowing to flag zones. So… a box collision but with snazzy features! :innocent:

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Wow, there will always be something we don’t know about right? There are so many features in the engine

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Awesome, thanks all!

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